Saturday, January 8, 2011
Berny a Hero For All MMAR Patients!
I was so pleased and happy that in the last month, that he finally was receiving his marijuana. It was the first time in two year he seemed happy and mellow.
He should have never had to battle so hard nor should anyone in his postion. It should never happen again!
May you rest in peace my dear friend and I am glad I got the chance to tell you that you are my hero and everyone else's who is fighting this war on a medication that should be free to the people!
Love you always!
Original newspaper article about Berny's bust!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Diabetic Woman Dies After Being Evicted For Medical Pot Use | Cannabis Culture Magazine
The horror stories keep coming. This has to be addressed fairly, time is running out for so many people.
Diabetic Woman Dies After Being Evicted For Medical Pot Use Cannabis Culture Magazine
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"Nyle Nagy, a man with full body paralysis and Multiple Sclerosis, was robbed of his wheelchair by his caregiver and confined to bed for legally using medical marijuana. A Canadian care home resident with full body paralysis was confined to his bed against his will after his wheelchair was seized by caregivers - all because he smokes medical marijuana to relieve his Multiple Sclerosis."
Berny Belair article.
"He says he applied, with the help of his physician, for a permit to grow and use marijuana for medical purposes.
The permit, he says, is on the way. While he waited, a neighbour built a small grow area in his basement. A pair of high-wattage lights and a timer were installed and, soon, 25 plants were underway.
On Tuesday, Belair said a police officer arrived at his door" [quoted from Drug Forum]
Please copy and paste!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients Apply for Free Vaporizers
Breaking News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some Canadian medical marijuana patients have had success getting the government to pay for their vaporizers.
1) get a letter from your doctor saying "this person needs a vaporizer to avoid the dangers of smoking"
2) get a written estimate from the store you plan to buy it from
3) Photocopy your license card, showing your name address and pot license number, but cover over storage amounts and plants (where necessary)
4) write a letter saying this is my doctors letter, my estimate, my license, please send me the volcano immediately
5) Send to Ontario Works Discretionary Benefits, call first and they will ask you to send in or fax it to them.
There is an Ontario Works for your region.
Make sure you send in paperwork first and get approval before you purchase. They will not refund if you purchase first. Pete at the London Compassion Society can send you an estimate upon request and can send your Vaporizer out next day after he receives payment. mailto:pete@londoncompassionsociety.comThanks all and good luck!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Friday, November 7, 2008
- "Berny Belair" (1)
- "medical marijuana patients" (2)
- "Nyle Nagy" (1)
- "patients abuse" (1)
- "patients right" (1)
- "world blogger championship poker stars" (1)
- 420 Rally (1)
- Canada (1)
- Cape Breton Hospital Marijuana Policy (2)
- children's book about medical marijuana (1)
- compassion clubs Canada (1)
- Health Minster Leona Aglukkaq (1)
- how to get a vaporizer free (1)
- marijuana advocacy (1)
- marijuana facts (1)
- marijuana patients (1)
- marijuana vaporizer petition (1)
- marijuana vaporizer studies (1)
- medical marijuan regulations in public (1)
- medical marijuana (1)
- medical marijuana letter (1)
- MMAR (1)
- morgellons Canada (1)
- Pam Edgar vaporizer tribunal article (1)
- politicians remarks (1)
- Scan Bill 106 (1)
- VIC court ruling (1)